Storm Damage Roof Repair in Dallas Texas

Besides the devastating floods that have affected many in the State of Texas, Hurricane Harvey also brought with it extreme winds. Even if your home was spared from the damage of flood waters, your home may still require roof repair due to storm damage.

While some damage can be more obvious and demand emergency roof repairs, other wind destruction may not be so obvious. Carefully check your roof for hurricane-related damage and call an experienced local storm damage roof repair contractor to get it repaired as soon as possible.

Missing Shingles, Panels, or Tiles

Begin your inspection for issues that may need storm damage roof repair by looking for the most obvious problems first. Using a pair of binoculars, carefully view the shingles, tiles, or metal panels looking for missing material, broken tiles or shingles, and material that is obviously damaged on the roof.

High winds can blow off any materials that are already loose or cause them to loosen so they no longer form a watertight barrier on the top of the decking. In both cases, you should have storm damage roof repair contractors replace missing material and repair what that was loosened before there are leaks.

Missing Flashing and Vent Boots

The protective metal flashing and rubber boots in the corners and around the protrusions on your roof can also loosen or be blown off in high winds. Look at all of your protrusions, including vent pipes, corners, and valleys and confirm that flashing and boots are still present, intact, and seem to be firmly attached.

If you have any doubts, it is best to call a contractor to take a closer look to prevent unexpected damage that could need emergency roof repairs later on.

Damaged Seals and Vents

While checking the flashing to see if any storm damage roor repairs are necessary, inspect the seals around any skylights or similar protrusions as well since the caulk-like sealant can loosen or peel away during high wind events. Check the condition of the ridge, soffit, and gable vents as well as any other roof vents, both outside and inside the house.

If you see any types of leaks around the vents or the vents are blocked in any way, be sure to have them repaired by storm damage roof repair contractors immediately to prevent additional problems that may be caused by leaks or reduced ventilation.

Signs of Water Damage

In addition to inspecting specific parts and materials on the roof, thoroughly check the inside of your house looking for water stains, wetness, and other signs of leaks. There may still be issues that affect your structure's water tightness that are not visible from the outside. Evidence of leaks and other water damage are common signs that indicate you need emergency roof repair before destruction becomes more extensive.

Hurricanes can be disastrous. While flash flooding is always a prime concern, there is a good chance that your home will require storm damage roof repairs. Now that Harvey has passed, check your roofing structure or have expert storm damage roof repair contractors come out to look for areas that need attention. Protect your roof by catching any damage quickly so it does not turn into a bigger problem requiring emergency roof repairs later on!

Need Emergency Roof Repairs in Dallas TX?

Dallas Roofers Performs Expert Storm Damage Roof Repairs!

Call (972) 954-3526!